Most Asked Questions

I want to bring my dog to daycare. How do we get started?

We are currently at capacity, but are accepting registrations to be placed on a waitlist. Click on the following link to register as a new customer and we will contact you as soon as a spot becomes available. 

All dogs attending daycare need to be fully vaccinated and spayed/neutered (if over 6  months old). Your dog's initial visit must be scheduled in advance and we ask that you arrive as early as possible on that first day (between 7am and 8am or as close to that as possible). This allows your dog an easier introduction to the group setting, before many other dogs have arrived for the day. We will need a copy of your dog's vaccination record, if not already uploaded through the customer portal. Your dog's first visit can be a half or full day and will include a behavior/temperament assessment to ensure that he/she is a good fit to join our pack. Normal daycare rates

What vaccines are required for my dog to attend daycare/boarding?

We require all dogs attending daycare and/or boarding to have the following vaccines:

  • Rabies
  • DHLP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus)
  • Bordetella

In addition, all dogs should be treated with flea prevention and worming medicines and be spayed/neutered if over 6 months old.

How Early Do I need to Make Holiday Reservations?

We fill up extra fast for the Holidays so make sure to make them as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.

How old does my puppy need to be to attend daycare?

We do NOT have a minimum age requirement. However, all puppies must have completed his/her puppy shots, including the Bordetella vaccine.

Can my dog board if he/she has never been to daycare?

Yes, but we do require that your dog come in for at least a half day of daycare prior to boarding. This will allow us to complete a behavior/temperament assessment, as well as give your dog an opportunity to be introduced to the facility and staff before coming to stay.

Can you give medications?

 Yes! We can give any kind of medications/ special food/ supplements etc. we have a full refrigerator/ freezer/ microwave etc. Just let us know the instructions that we should follow at drop off.

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